Saturday, November 28, 2009

A very unforgettable experience..

it's been so long since I last posted something in my blog.. Maybe I'm just in contemplation on what to write. This time it's not about being nomadic but rather another significant experience in my life I will never forget.

Last November 26 and 27, 2009, the company where I am working conducted a team building activity entitled, "Team Dynamics and Values Empowerment Worshop for Maribago." Our facilitator were: Mr. Nonong Noriega, Ms. Lydia dela Merced and assistant Mr. Calix Vargas. We also had this activity two years ago but this activity we have just recently is the best and memorable one. To be a little brief, I have been going through a difficult time with my current life. I was holding so much angst and hatred in my heart for people around me who caused me so much pain and struggle. This activity made me realize a lot about myself, how I should deal with all the negativity around me and how I could learn to value myself, the people around me and most of all my family and my relationship with God. I was able to discover so much about myself and about the stories of people around me. I felt I was not alone.. If there's one thing Sir Nonong said to all of us that I will never forget, it is the 3A's of life, "You're A-TTITUDE and not your A-PTITUDE who will take you to your A-LTITUDE" It's just simple but if you dig deeper into the core of that very simple phrase, you would realize that life is all about attitude. I realized that in this life, there are some people who will never be sorry, some perspectives of people you can never change but it doesn't end at that. All you have to do is to change the way you think and deal with things. On a positive note, I have learned to accept my flaws that there are people around me who have more painful stories to tell and I am even luckier than them. I'm sorry if I'm saying so much here, I'm just sharing what Sir Nonong had brought into my life. He brought me C-H-A-N-G-E.. My views on life began to change. I have slowly learned to forgive and forget those who have sinned against me and realized that I too made my own share of mistakes. Now, I have learned to value self worth, friendships, my family and most of all and will always be the first on my list, my relationship with God. The photo above is the last picture we had with sir Nonong and Ma'am Lydia before they went back to Manila. It was very sweet of them to drop by the office and bid goodbye. It's sad knowing they're leaving when they just don't know how much impact they have brought to me and to the other employees but as what I have told sir Nonong, I will always look forward to their next visit.

Below are some of the pictures taken during our activity. It was fun but certainly another learning experience.

We, in Maribago Bluewater are very lucky enough to have undergone such activity. Thank you sir Nonong Noriega, Ms. Lydia dela Merced and the ultimate crush ng bayan Mr. Calix Vargas. Till we meet again!

<- in this photo from left is Stephany Jumamoy(front office associate), Ms. Delia C. Cespon our VP-rooms division, Ms. Lydia dela Merced, Israeli Jumao-as our Banquet Coordinator, Sir Nonong Noriega, Our General Manager Sir Rhyz Buac, Kathy Tero our HR Associate and yours truly.. =)

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