Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Maguindanao Massacre-A piece of my mind

I opened my facebook account and saw some friends in my list posted pictures from the victims of Maguindanao Massacre. I was a bit hesitant at first because I already knew what to expect if I decide to view on any of the pictures. I don't know but though there was that feeling of hesitation in me but still I decided to view the pictures. I was very stunned to see the sight of the victims. I just can't imagine how much they have to go through just savoring every last breath they have fighting for their lives. I could not contain myself watching most of the victims were women who was said to be abused before they were killed like animals and buried in a pre digged grave. Yes, pre digged, everything was planned! And the price? A lot of lives was spared.

It would have been a peaceful filing of candidacy for Mrs. Magundadatu who was suppose to file the certificate of candidacy in behalf of his husband Toto Magundadatu since just right before that day when all these happened, they have been receiving death threats already if in case Mr. Magundadatu would push on running for Governor where the Ampatuans are said to be on the same slate. But everything turned out to be the worsest nightmare for all of us Filipinos. Almost 60 people died and most came from the press who was only there to cover Mrs. Magundadatu's filing of candidacy. There were also innocent civilians who happen to be following the convoy. Just listening and watching the news made me question, "when will dirty politics in our country end? When will political killings end? How many more innocent lives are we going to spare before the one sitting there on top do something?"

Never did it crossed my mind that this atrocious catastrophe will ever happen in our nation. I am in shock and awe that people would go so far just because of power and greed. Why does it have to take days before making any move from our leaders when it is very clear to all of us Filipinos the one responsible for this ruthless act? Is it because of "utang na loob?" for winning the elections? Is humanity the price we all have to pay for you to gain your selfish and egocentric desires?

Now I began to question myself, where are our good leaders? Those who serve us Filipinos with selfless governance? Where are our leaders who doesn't think of their personal interests but for the common good? I cry for peace and justice not only for the Maguindanao Massacre victims but as well as other senseless deaths. People may have died fighting for what they believe is right, but one thing is certain, their deaths will never be meaningless.

Let this be a wake up call for all of us Filipinos. Countdown for justice begins..