Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Survivor's Open Letter-Hostage Taking Crisis in the Philippines

I would like to share this note posted by Mr. James Earl which I read from facebook posted by one of my friends. Upon reading it, I could not help but cry and this was the first time I felt sad and lost for what happened to Mr. Mendoza. This is an eye opener for me and for those who discerned the man and his senseless death as well as the death of the tourist victims.

Open Letter TO A BLOODBATH IN QUIRINO GRANDSTAND By Bang Lu Min Quirino Bloodbath Survivor

by James Earl on Wednesday, August 25, 2010 at 1:29pm

-Let this be shared to shed some light on what actually happened during the tragic Quirino Grandstand Hostage Taking-

Mr. Mendoza was already upset even before he saw on television what the policemen did to his brother. The other tourists who remained inside the bus were complaining. Wei Ji Jiang wanted to go to the bathroom. Dao Chi Yu was hungry and the rest were just groaning and whining like they have forgotten that our lives rest in Mr. Mendoza’s hands. The hostage taker, as you know him was really nice. He treated us okay and even let the elders and the children leave the bus. He said your policemen treated him unfairly. He was a policeman too and was accused of doing something he had no knowledge of. But your government didn’t listen so he used us to get everyone’s attention. Things would have never turned for the worst if he didn’t see how his family was dragged out of their house and taken into custody. He was watching the news all the time as we huddled around each other behind the bus. He shouted some words in your language then started shooting in the air. A girl about my age started screaming. Mr. Mendoza demanded her to stop but she didn’t understand English. God, he had to slash her neck with a knife just to put her to rest. Her boyfriend who tried to hit him was shot in the head. Tension was rising. You can see in his face how scared and confused he was. The bus driver ran away leaving him alone with strangers from a distant land. I can see him walking across the aisle, sometimes pointing his machine gun to one of the tourists. But he tried his best not to hurt us, especially those who really cooperate. I guess its in your nature not to inflict pain on others unless it was necessary. I remember him saying that he will free us before sundown and implored us to forget everything when we return home. But his words don’t matter now. The policemen were trying to force their way in, while we all lied down to shield ourselves from bullets. Mister Mendoza blindly shoots at his enemies which I think kept them from rescuing us. I hear sobs under the chairs. Some were even shouting the names of their loved ones even when the air merely eat their words. Kevin Tang tried to escape when the glass door was was shattered, but one shot and he slumped on the floor with blood gushing from his mouth. Heavy rain pitter-pattered on the rooftop. In old Chinese saying, it means an end to a struggle. Finally, somebody was able to open the escape hatch at the back of the bus. Freedom. But I knew Mister Mendoza was still alive. I knew he was just waiting for a chance to strike back at his enemies. So I told those around me not to escape. Let the authorities come for us instead. Then there was gunfire. He was firing at his enemies with a machine gun. Those who were at the escape hatch fled abandoning us once again. It’s like a nightmare with no end and to wake up means a certain death. Then somebody from outside the bus threw a canister. It forced out a black smoke that is so painful to the eyes and putrid smelling to the nose. People started screaming. We cannot breathe. Some ran in front of the bus but Mister Mendoza warned them of stray bullets. It was too late. One was hit on the head, the other was hit on the shoulders. Bullets were now flying. Its like the authorities thought we were all dead. Mister Mendoza finally admits his mistake and said sorry to everyone, dead or alive. He then ran towards the front of the bus where he would meet his maker. As he passed by my chair with bullets whistling overhead, I clutched my hand on the velvet curtain and wrapped it around my face. All I could think of was to stay alive - for my child who is waiting for me back in Xinjang. I know I will survive, I will come home. Bang Lu Min Survivor, Quirino Bloodbath

A Bloody Night in the Philippines

In my almost 27 years of existence I have never felt the kind of emotion that I am feeling right now for what happened last August 23, 2010 at Quirino Grandstand (The very same spot where the newly elected president in the 2010 elections, Mr. Benigno Simeon Aquino III took his oath). I was watching the news when I saw a man by the name of Mr. Rolando Mendoza a former policeman who was dismissed from service because of an alleged money making that didn't undergo due process. He is an awarded police man who worked years and years of service but was dismissed & lost all his retirement benefits because of the incident where in he was not even proven guilty of. As I was watching the news, I saw this man wearing fatigue, armed and hostage a tourist bus supposedly on it's way to Manila's famous Ocean Park before going to the airport to take their evening flight going back to Hong Kong, their homeland. He was not violent at all and in fact he even freed a total of 8 hostages in the process of negotiations. This poor man only wanted to hear his case again in court, bring back his benefits and give him the chance to return to service till his retirement. Simple requests I think he rightfully deserves for the many years of service he devoted. I just don't understand why it took the authorities too long to give in to at least one of his requests or at least gave him the assurance that his demands will be granted. If they can't accept him back in service then at least he could be given his benefits.

As the hours went by and night time came, that was the only time when he received the resolution coming from the ombudsman saying they needed at least 10days to review his case before they could decide. A resolution that added more disappointment to Mr. Mendoza. His brother, Mr. Gregorio Mendoza who came to help in the negotiation was surprisingly apprehended by the police because he was accused of being a counterpart or an accessory in the hostage taking. Police officers arrested him and he was crying for help saying he is not involved in this whole fiasco. He is merely there to help. Mr. Gregorio Mendoza by the way is a police man himself and he is assigned in the traffic division. Along with his nephews, niece and son, he was surrounded by the SWAT team and forced his arrest which the family members begged on not touching or bringing Mr. Gregorio anywhere. However due to the overkill of the policemen he was held in custody and brought to the nearest police station for questioning.

Without thinking, the whole incident was being covered by media people and led to the fury of Mr. Rolando Mendoza who watched everything that transpired in the television inside the bus. A few minutes later, a couple of gun shots were heard and we saw the driver of the bus trying his best to escape which eventually he did. He ran towards the police officers, raised both his hands and shouted, "Wala na, patay na lahat, wala na, wala na!" (No more, everyone is dead! everyone is dead!). That triggered the SWAT team and police teamleaders to ask the assault team to take over. Without confirmation if the hostages are really dead, they went in to contain the bus. The rest is history.

A total of 8 Chinese were dead and 7 survived. Mr. Rolando Mendoza was killed and the whole incident ended in bloodbath. The area was surrounded by policemen, media people and spectators not weary of their own safety. I could not justify the kind of emotion I needed to feel. I felt so angry with the whole chaos. I'm mad because of the "VERY VERY SLOW" action of the police team that handled the hostage taking, there was no person in a higher authority who handled the negotiation and even the President of our country did not interfere when this is already a serious matter we are dealing with. This whole thing started at 10a.m. in the morning and until it was contained no one did anything to put a peaceful end. Now, fingers are being pointed at each other. The administration is accusing the media to have caused and triggered Mendoza's fury when he saw his brother & other member's of his family forcibly being arrested. Others blame on the officials and the policeman who handled the case and others blame the administration for keeping quiet about it. In fact, the President only gave out his statement after the bloodbath ended through a press conference.

In my own opinion though, blame never solves this issue. Things already happened and we should all learn from it. This is not the first time this incident happened in our country however this is the first time and hopefully the last time that tourists became victims. In this whole scenario, let us not condemn the man who started all this. He is a victim himself and all of us Filipinos are victims in this whole process too. Now the Chinese community hates our country and even posted a travel advisory prohibiting their people from coming to our country. This is definitely a huge impact on our tourism industry. I don't know how long we can renew ourselves and our country from the bad image and effects this has caused, but one thing is also clear at this point, the Filipino spirit never ends and I know in time when all wounds have healed, we can bring our good name and our the name of our people back.

I still am proud to be a Filipino.

Friday, April 30, 2010

My Tonsillitis and Politics in our Country

I admit I really suck at writing and I couldn't even give justice like how the others are doing but who say's I can't express how I feel anyway? Okay then, I'll go direct to where my thoughts are coming from:

First, I am really sick right now because of my tonsilitis attack not to mention the fever and the cough that goes with it..It's really frustrating that I'm sick and I can't do anything but take a rest and prohibit myself from eating ice cream or even drink my favorite coke zero or nestea ice tea in this really really hot weather we have.. Well, not that I can't eat ice cream anymore but I have to patiently wait till my stupid tonsillitis heals.

So what do I do while I'm waiting to be okay again? Ofcourse, all I could ever do is have a movie marathon at my room, go online and log in to my favorite social networking site facebook, read the newspaper or a book I never really finish reading and YES watch TV. I don't have a cable connection in my room and that means I don't have a choice but to watch the local channels. What pisses me more is the political ads I always get to watch every fucking day. All bunch of promises from politicians who says' they can solve the problem of my country or maybe just after power and greed. Blah, blah, blah... No offense to those with bet candidates, I am merely expressing how I feel. Not that I am even questioning what these future leaders capabilities should they get elected, but somehow there's always that question in my mind and I guess everyone would agree with me, "WILL THERE EVER BE CHANGE?"

I am not saying there won't be but I certainly hope that the ongoing political crisis of our country ends with future leaders who really has that heart to care for his countrymen. I guess we'll have to find out after the elections.

To the future leaders, good luck and God speed.

My thoughts ends here, I still have to take a dose of antibiotics to cure my tonsillitis. I wish I like my tonsillitis our country can just drink the antibiotic then maybe it will heal and will have a positive change.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I'm back!!!

It's been so long since the last time I wrote something here in my blog.. Well, many things happened to me in the past few months. It has been a very tough journey for me but somehow I was able to surpass everything with pride and dignity.

To start with, finally I'm glad I quit my job of 3 years and without any regrets. I felt that my expectations are no longer met and I was working in a very unhealthy environment. However, it was an ultimate privilege to have worked for the company for the time being and I have learned a lot from the whole experience. Lessons were learned and I have discovered a lot about myself. There is no feeling of bitterness at all in my heart when I resigned because I know it was the best decision I have ever made. They say, when you're no longer happy, it's all in your hands whether to continue your sorrow or decide on saving yourself from that unhappiness. Well I guess it's clear as to what choice I have made and when I did, all I ever felt was redemption.

I'm taking my time and currently living a stress free life. Hypocrisy it may look for others, but I admit being jobless is not easy but I take everything in a positive way. Optimism is my greatest tool and I know God has a better plan for me. It may not happen overnight but I'm already ready to all possibilities.

For now, I will enjoy the time I have with my family which I have lost for being so focused with my career, my friends and the love of my life. I guess when I lost my job, I came to realize the things more significant to my life that has been taken forgranted, it should have been my relationship with God and with my family.

Anyway, enough with all this drama..hehehe.. Life is to be enjoyed and should be worry free... after all, life is too damn short to be wasted on worries =)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Maguindanao Massacre-A piece of my mind

I opened my facebook account and saw some friends in my list posted pictures from the victims of Maguindanao Massacre. I was a bit hesitant at first because I already knew what to expect if I decide to view on any of the pictures. I don't know but though there was that feeling of hesitation in me but still I decided to view the pictures. I was very stunned to see the sight of the victims. I just can't imagine how much they have to go through just savoring every last breath they have fighting for their lives. I could not contain myself watching most of the victims were women who was said to be abused before they were killed like animals and buried in a pre digged grave. Yes, pre digged, everything was planned! And the price? A lot of lives was spared.

It would have been a peaceful filing of candidacy for Mrs. Magundadatu who was suppose to file the certificate of candidacy in behalf of his husband Toto Magundadatu since just right before that day when all these happened, they have been receiving death threats already if in case Mr. Magundadatu would push on running for Governor where the Ampatuans are said to be on the same slate. But everything turned out to be the worsest nightmare for all of us Filipinos. Almost 60 people died and most came from the press who was only there to cover Mrs. Magundadatu's filing of candidacy. There were also innocent civilians who happen to be following the convoy. Just listening and watching the news made me question, "when will dirty politics in our country end? When will political killings end? How many more innocent lives are we going to spare before the one sitting there on top do something?"

Never did it crossed my mind that this atrocious catastrophe will ever happen in our nation. I am in shock and awe that people would go so far just because of power and greed. Why does it have to take days before making any move from our leaders when it is very clear to all of us Filipinos the one responsible for this ruthless act? Is it because of "utang na loob?" for winning the elections? Is humanity the price we all have to pay for you to gain your selfish and egocentric desires?

Now I began to question myself, where are our good leaders? Those who serve us Filipinos with selfless governance? Where are our leaders who doesn't think of their personal interests but for the common good? I cry for peace and justice not only for the Maguindanao Massacre victims but as well as other senseless deaths. People may have died fighting for what they believe is right, but one thing is certain, their deaths will never be meaningless.

Let this be a wake up call for all of us Filipinos. Countdown for justice begins..

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Just sick..

I'm so sick today.. got fever and colds plus my asthma is getting back at me.. Lucky enough I am at the office working, although this is not a medication to me but somehow being here makes me feel a little better than staying at home lying on my bed and looking and feeling really sick. .

Awkard and funny, most people who get sick like me become very emotional... Being the only one in the office since it's Sunday and only me and another colleague who is in another office are the only ones on duty makes me sit back and think of so many things. My visions in life.. I began to imagine things! ahahaah! Like I'm day dreaming.. Sometimes I would just sit and think of myself riding a white unicorn wearing an off white lacey dress.. with all the glittery stuffs around me and the smell of the flowers taking me to wonderland. There I could see all the good things in life.. healthy fresh air, animals talking to each other.. even the wild Lions talking to zebras and deers.. is this for real? Or am I hallucinating? Ahahahhaha! Well, I guess I'll have to take another pill.. it may seem or look like i'm on drugs but hey! I'm not! I'm just soo feeling sick today and all I could think about is the bed in my room and the fluffy pillows and my cellphone just beside me lying so I could answer right away when my special someone calls to check on me.. heheheh.. Oh well, it's almost five.. I'm about to leave the office.. I'll post another journey. I have a lot to post.. I'm just too lazy to do it. heheheh.. but bare with me.. more is yet to come.

A very unforgettable experience..

it's been so long since I last posted something in my blog.. Maybe I'm just in contemplation on what to write. This time it's not about being nomadic but rather another significant experience in my life I will never forget.

Last November 26 and 27, 2009, the company where I am working conducted a team building activity entitled, "Team Dynamics and Values Empowerment Worshop for Maribago." Our facilitator were: Mr. Nonong Noriega, Ms. Lydia dela Merced and assistant Mr. Calix Vargas. We also had this activity two years ago but this activity we have just recently is the best and memorable one. To be a little brief, I have been going through a difficult time with my current life. I was holding so much angst and hatred in my heart for people around me who caused me so much pain and struggle. This activity made me realize a lot about myself, how I should deal with all the negativity around me and how I could learn to value myself, the people around me and most of all my family and my relationship with God. I was able to discover so much about myself and about the stories of people around me. I felt I was not alone.. If there's one thing Sir Nonong said to all of us that I will never forget, it is the 3A's of life, "You're A-TTITUDE and not your A-PTITUDE who will take you to your A-LTITUDE" It's just simple but if you dig deeper into the core of that very simple phrase, you would realize that life is all about attitude. I realized that in this life, there are some people who will never be sorry, some perspectives of people you can never change but it doesn't end at that. All you have to do is to change the way you think and deal with things. On a positive note, I have learned to accept my flaws that there are people around me who have more painful stories to tell and I am even luckier than them. I'm sorry if I'm saying so much here, I'm just sharing what Sir Nonong had brought into my life. He brought me C-H-A-N-G-E.. My views on life began to change. I have slowly learned to forgive and forget those who have sinned against me and realized that I too made my own share of mistakes. Now, I have learned to value self worth, friendships, my family and most of all and will always be the first on my list, my relationship with God. The photo above is the last picture we had with sir Nonong and Ma'am Lydia before they went back to Manila. It was very sweet of them to drop by the office and bid goodbye. It's sad knowing they're leaving when they just don't know how much impact they have brought to me and to the other employees but as what I have told sir Nonong, I will always look forward to their next visit.

Below are some of the pictures taken during our activity. It was fun but certainly another learning experience.

We, in Maribago Bluewater are very lucky enough to have undergone such activity. Thank you sir Nonong Noriega, Ms. Lydia dela Merced and the ultimate crush ng bayan Mr. Calix Vargas. Till we meet again!

<- in this photo from left is Stephany Jumamoy(front office associate), Ms. Delia C. Cespon our VP-rooms division, Ms. Lydia dela Merced, Israeli Jumao-as our Banquet Coordinator, Sir Nonong Noriega, Our General Manager Sir Rhyz Buac, Kathy Tero our HR Associate and yours truly.. =)